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Strategic Questions

When we began our strategic planning journey, our  community was facing three fundamental questions:

Who are we? Where are we headed? How do we get there?

To answer them, the School embraced an intentionally collaborative process, seeking the wisdom, experience, and insights of as many members of our Bancroft community as we could reach.

The Bancroft Promise

Our community exists for the benefit of our students. As we design our future, it is important that we hold ourselves accountable to these core principles.

  • We promise to encourage and to know each student as an individual with a unique history and trajectory.
  • We promise to partner with each family to chart the student’s personal journey towards mastery and independence while challenging students to become the best version of themselves.
  • We promise to provide an equitable learning environment.
two students in a classroom

The Future We’re Building

  • The regional first choice school for students and families seeking a student-owned journey to mastery and independence.
  • Nationally recognized for excellence in inquiry-based teaching and learning.
  • An employer of choice for school professionals aspiring to develop their craft and to innovate in a collegial, collaborative workplace.
  • A racially and ethnically diverse community that is informed, self-reflective, and characterized by respect and careful listening.
  • Fully enrolled and confident of its long-term financial sustainability and its ability to meet future challenges with agility and resourcefulness.